Cooper Fellowship A Sober Living Community
409 North Cooper Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
About Cooper Fellowship A Sober Living Community
Cooper Fellowship - A Sober Living Community is a modern addiction rehab community for adults in Santa Ana, California. They are based on the 12 Step philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous and host multiple AA and other self-help meetings on site each week. They offer housing and cognitive behavioral therapy to help people change their lives.
They run 90-day programs that are structured and focused on recovery and preventing relapse. During your stay, you’ll work with a counselor to get to the heart of your addictive tendencies and make goals for the future. You’ll give and receive support to your peers in group process sessions. You’ll have chores and daily responsibilities that help give residents a sense of pride, ownership and accomplishment. It also helps you develop the life skills you’ll need for life after the Fellowship.
While there are paid staff to help and encourage you on the path of recovery, a lot of your healing and support will come from your peers. That’s why it’s called a fellowship. Mutual reliance and compassionate care for each other is the backbone of the program.
Once you’ve stabilized and have gotten the hang of the program, you’ll be expected to look for work and continue to take part in rehabilitation activities. When you are ready, you’ll receive a graduation certificate and will be discharged from the program.
Many former residents have said that this program works if you are willing to put in the work. Several credit Cooper Fellowship to saving their lives. While some residents were unhappy with the responsiveness of the front of house staff, most residents had positive things to say.