Virginia 2-1-1
Virginians who call 211 are able to find a wide range of assistance from social services. Callers can connect with education and employment support, food and clothing, housing services, income assistance, mental health and substance use treatment, transportation help, and much more. It’s an easy single place to find a variety of services for those in need.
Health Brigade
Health Brigade in Richmond has a needle exchange program, PrEP, and HIV/STI testing. Clients can get safer use supplies, syringes, safer sex supplies, naloxone (Narcan) kits and overdose prevention training, and referrals to medical care, community resources, and substance use treatment if interested.
Chris Atwood Foundation
The Chris Atwood Foundation operates in northern Virginia and provides a range of harm reduction supplies, including free sterile syringes, safer use kits, naloxone (Narcan) kits, fentanyl test strips, overdose prevention training, peer recovery support, and connections to food, bedding, hygiene supplies, and other assistance.
Rescue Mission of Roanoke
The Rescue Mission of Roanoke is one of the few homeless centers that operates 24/7/365. They serve three meals a day, have a food pantry, and offer clothing vouchers, referrals to medical care, and referrals to substance use treatment for those interested. They also operate an overnight emergency shelter for those experiencing homelessness.
New Hope Housing
New Hope Housing, in northern Virginia, provides housing services for state residents. They have a variety of emergency shelters as well as group homes, first apartment programs, education and employment support, and mobile medical outreach. If you’re experiencing homelessness, New Hope Housing may be able to help you stabilize the situation.