Housing Alliance Delaware's Centralized Intake
Housing Alliance Delaware's Centralized Intake provides emergency shelter, food, domestic violence services, and transitional housing services for those in need. There are also programs to help those currently housed avoid eviction or heating/cooling disruption, veteran programs, and other services.
Delaware Treatment Access Center
For the justice-involved who need help with substance use, the Delaware Treatment Access Center operates drug court diversion programs, Veteran’s Treatment Court, re-entry support programs, Mental Health Court, and trauma-informed justice programs for women. The hope is that by providing the health and treatment services people need, recidivism will be reduced and people will be able to stabilize their lives.
Crisis Intervention Services
800-652-2929 / 800-345-6785
Crisis Intervention Services, offering mobile crisis intervention and walk-in Recovery Response Centers, is only a phone call away. There are two numbers, one for Northern Delaware and one for Southern Delaware. Callers are connected to a compassionate, listening ear and resources in their area that can help.