Hope Center
360 West Loudon Avenue
Lexington, KY 40508
About Hope Center
The Hope Center is an emergency homeless shelter in Lexington, Kentucky. This location serves up to 228 adult men. Part of their shelter program includes detox services and some counseling. The Hope Center provides multiple support services to help you get back on your feet.
While not a comprehensive treatment service, detox is often the first step for those seeking treatment. It ensures they are stable and free of illicit substances when they step down to the next level of care. Detox can also be used to stabilize you without stepping down. This location doesn't offer other levels of care, but they may help you connect with a treatment center that does so you can continue care.
The Hope Center has other programs to help support you, too. Besides shelter and detox, they can provide some primary healthcare services. They also offer housing and vocational support. All of these things together form a strong foundation of support for your long term recovery, so having them available can be a powerful thing.
Medical care is provided with or without insurance.