Armstrong Indiana Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission Clarion County
825 E Main St
Clarion, PA 16214
About Armstrong Indiana Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission Clarion County
Armstrong Indiana Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission (AICDAC) Clarion County is in Clarion, Pennsylvania, and serves all three counties in their name. They are the Single County Authority for drug and alcohol services in these counties and provide addiction treatment and case management to all ages.
AICDAC staff provide prevention and case management services as well as recovery support, and they refer clients to specific community partners for treatment. AICDAC starts by providing screenings and assessments that identify your specific needs. From there the case manager can coordinate your care as you progress through the treatment path.
Certified Recovery Specialists
I really like that they have Certified Recovery Specialists on their team who can help you as you move through treatment and into recovery. This service is free and voluntary — you don’t have to participate. However, having the extra support can make a lot of difference, especially if you need help with housing and employment as well as substance use treatment. The Recovery Specialist will help ensure you are meeting the goals you set and that you are connected to the right resources in the community.
Student Assistance Program
Another unique program I noticed was their Student Assistance Program (SAP). SAP connects with youth in school who are struggling in their education due to risky behavior, including drug use.
They talk to the student and try to determine what their needs are and how the SAP can help. This might include crisis support and substance use assessments. It might mean connecting the child’s family to the appropriate resources to reduce stress at home. SAP can also help students attend treatment and assist with funding for those services.