New Beginnings Minnetonka
11812 Wayzata Blvd
Suite 120
Minnetonka, MN 55305
About New Beginnings Minnetonka
New Beginnings is an addiction treatment center located in Minnetonka, Minnesota. This facility provides intensive outpatient services to adults. Sessions are scheduled throughout the week. This program may be a good fit for you if you want intensive treatment without a residential stay. The program combines therapy with education and workshops.
Intensive outpatient programs offer a highly structured treatment setting without the need for hospitalization or residential treatment. The program is tailored to fit your needs and takes place primarily in a group setting, so you'll get the chance to work with and learn from others in recovery.
Sessions are available day and night on weekdays, which I like. For some, making the time for treatment and fitting it into a busy schedule is a challenge. But New Beginnings can accommodate you with flexible options/ Weekend sessions are also available.
They accept Medicaid Minnesota, many private plans, and Rule 24 funding.